Our Event

On this page, you can find all of our main upcoming events.

Explore Andrew’s most popular free teachings by topic.

Grace & Faith


Join Apsl Dr. Emmanuel Nartey  for a special live-stream event as part of the Grace + Faith Conferences. You can watch from anywhere at https://www.gtntv.com/live-events/. 

Life @ MCBC 2024

“Apostle Doctor speaking at This event is hosted by the founder and president of The ministerial Consult Bible College, For more information, please visit https://www.youtube.com/@MinisterialTV-i5m
His Gospel Truth television show emphasizes God’s unconditional love and grace and is broadcast around the globe.
to educate, unify, and mobilize believers to impact culture and effect godly change on important social issues.

On this page, you can find all of our main upcoming events.

Use the menu bar below to filter and search for specific events. You can search for locations, keywords, and specific time spans.

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Explore Our Upcoming Events!

Get ready for a variety of inspiring events! Our schedule is packed with engaging activities that aim to uplift and unite. Join us as we foster connections and empower our community through shared experiences.